Thursday, July 26, 2018

Entrepreneurship Vs Self Employment

Successful entrepreneurs continuously increase and develop their knowledge and skills.

Successful entrepreneurs continuously improve their knowledge and advance their skills through both formal and informal methods including:
  • Workshops and webinars
  • Business Associations
  • Trade exhibitions and conferences 
  • Social networks

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Common problems entrepreneurs encounter in the process of growth and expansion.

  1. Keeping with the demands of the market.
  2. Planning and organization.
  3. Cash-flow and cash management.
  4. Problem solving.
  5. Right systems.
  6. Right skills and attitudes.  


Hard facts about selling, TIPS for entrepreneurs...

  1. Selling is not about the product, it is about the person.
  2. People hate being sold to, they love to buy.
  3. Concepts sell, details don't.
  4. The customer makes the purchase, you don't make the sale.
  5. The sale is complete when the money is in the bank.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Principles for an effective education system for PRESENT DAY ENTREPRENEURS in Tanzania.

And.......TESTING is the gateway mechanism for students and a means for monitoring quality and efficiency.

Principle 1.
Ensures that instruction is coherent.

Principle 2.
Connects new knowledge to what students already know.

Principle 3.
Covers topics at a deep level rather than a superficial level.

Principle 4.
Provides students with opportunities for new learning.

Principle 5.
Uses real world tasks and examples.

Principle 6.
Makes students practically aware.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Things you need to know NOW that you are doing a small business.

You cannot win a Race unless you run it

In order to succeed or fail  in anything we need to participate in it. Our involvement and objective greatly determines the outcome. No one would like to fail because naturally we detest failure and cherish victory. 

However, in anything we intend to do, we need to start from somewhere. The starting point normally matters quite a lot and can be a contributing factor towards the result. 

Talking to different entrepreneurs who ventured into and are in small business operation, it was very interesting to know how they started, exploring issues like their ambitions, what motivated them, the challenges and problems they encountered and many more. 

There were a lot to learn from these entrepreneurs especially the successful ones who showed outstanding commitment in their involvement and objectives.  They are individuals with very rich experience and exposure in their businesses.

Here I will share with you some common qualities I observed and learnt from 5 successful small business entrepreneurs I talked to.

First was the URGE TO SUCCEED. All had a starting point with different causes but with common desire to achieve. It is sad to learn that some lacked certain opportunities in life like going to school or access to any form of help and had to pursue life the hard way. No matter the cause, they were driven by the desire to achieve. 

Second was PERSISTENCE. All went through a lot but persisted amidst failures and even heart breaking challenges but they never quit. It even involved losing friends, relationships and wealth but they never quit. They remained firm and continued to pursue their business ambitions.  

Third was DISCIPLINE. All showed higher levels of self discipline in relationships, business dealings, handling finances and managing resources. They exemplified qualities like thriftiness, moderation , punctuality, honesty and  consistency.

Fourth was SELF MOTIVATION. All confessed that they  were highly self motivated in all that they started and did. They always took full responsibility and accountability in their operations. They knew it was all about them and should they fail, others behind them would also fail.  Through self motivation some accomplished a lot including personal development through learning and gaining extra knowledge.

Fifth was FLEXIBILITY. All showed an element of flexibility in adopting to changes, conditions and circumstances. Some even had to change businesses or relocate to new areas. No matter how tough or easy a situation was they had the flexibility to change with the times and the demands of the market.  

Interviewing these small business entrepreneurs at different occasions and places but observing and recording  these similar characteristics in them was quite interesting. 

Indeed, the person who doesn't succeed is that person who doesn't have a dream to achieve in life. If you have these qualities and have a DREAM in starting a small business, why not chase your ambition?